A-1 |
- General Terms and Conditions of Credit Transaction (for corporate customer) 은행여신거래기본약관(기업용)
CR-A-338 |
A-2 |
- Terms and Conditions for B2B Online payment Service of Citibank Korea Inc. 한국씨티은행 B2B 전자결제 서비스 이용약관
CR-A-583 |
A-3 |
- Terms and Conditions on AR Financing 전자방식 외상매출채권 결제제도 기본약관
CR-A-796 |
B-1 |
- Standard Credit Agreement (for Revolving Credit Facility/for Corporation) 여신한도거래약정서(한도거래용/기업용)
CR-A-319 |
B-2 |
- Standard Credit Agreement (for Non-Revolving Credit Facility,for Corporation) 여신개별거래약정서(기업용)
CR-A-501 |
B-3 |
- Additional Agreement to ( ) Transaction Agreement (for corporation's increase (reduction) of credit limit . extension of term of facility. change of credit type and item) ( )거래추가약정서(한도증액(감액)/기간연장/여신종별/과목변경용-기업용)
CR-A-320 |
B-4 |
- Payment Guaranty Agreement (for Corporatin) 지급보증거래약정서(기업용)
CR-A-504 |
B-5 |
- Terms and conditions of guarantee transaction (For Applicant) 지급보증거래 이용약관(보증처용)
CR-A-838 |
B-6 |
- Terms and conditions of guarantee transaction(For Beneficiary) 지급보증거래 이용약관(보증신청인용)
CR-A-838 |
B-7 |
- Bond Guaranty Agreement 사채보증약정서
CR-A-507 |
B-8 |
- Bond Guaranty Agreement (for Convertible Bonds) 사채보증약정서(전환사채용)
CR-A-506 |
B-9 |
- CP Purchase Agreement (for CP Purchase) 어음거래약정서(CP직접매입용)_2024년 4월 30일 폐지
CR-A-594 |
B-10 |
- Bond Purchase Agreement (for the purpose of Purchang Private Placement Bonds) 사모사채총액인수약정서
CR-A-595 |
B-11 |
- Accounts Receivable Purchase (Factoring) Agreement 매출채권 (팩토링) 거래 약정서
CR-A-560 |
B-12 |
- 매출채권 양수도 계약서
CR-A-560 |
B-13 |
- 해외매출채권 양수도 계약서
CR-A-839 |
B-14 |
- Corporate Purchase Price Payment Agreement (for the seller) 기업구매자금결제 이용 약정서 (판매기업용)
CR-A-544 |
B-15 |
- Corporate Purchase Price Payment Agreement (for the buyer) 기업구매자금결제 이용 약정서 (구매기업용)
CR-A-539 |
B-16 |
- Supplementary Agreement(for Purchase Price Loan) 추가약정서(구매자금대출용)
CR-A-540 |
B-17 |
- Supplementary Agreement (B2B Purchase Price Loan-for the Buyer) 추가약정서(B2B구매자금대출 - 구매기업용)
CR-A-588 |
B-18 |
- Corporate Purchase Price Payment Agreement (B2B Purchase Price Loan-for the Seller) 기업구매자금결제이용약정서(B2B구매자금대출 - 판매기업용)
CR-A-587 |
B-19 |
- Supplementary Agreement (B2B Purchase Card Loan-for the Buyer) 추가약정서(B2B구매카드대출 - 구매기업용)
CR-A-586 |
B-20 |
- Agreement to Use Deferred Payment Settlement Service (B2B Purchase Card Loan -for Seller) 연지급결제이용약정서(B2B구매카드대출 - 판매기업용)
CR-A-589 |
B-21 |
- Supplmental Agreement ( Electronic Purchase of Account Receivable) 추가약정서(전자방식외상매출채권담보대출 - 판매업체용)
CR-A-590 |
B-22 |
- Supplementary Agreement (Facility secured by Ruture Receivable - Purchase Document Type) 추가약정서(미래채권담보대출 - 발주서)
CR-A-592 |
B-23 |
- Supplementary Agreement (Facility secured by Future Receivable - Performance type) 추가약정서(미래채권담보대출 - 실적부)
CR-A-593 |
B-24 |
- 대리점카드 업무약관 (T&C on SpeedCollect Card - Supplier)
CR-A-725 |
B-25 |
- 대리점카드 회원 특약 (T&C on SpeedCollect Card - Buyer)
CR-A-307 |
B-26 |
- 구매카드 업무약관 (T&C on Paylink Card - Buyer)
CR-A-720 |
B-27 |
- 구매카드 가맹점 특약 (T&C on Paylink Card - Supplier)
CR-A-309 |
B-28 |
- Debt Obligation Purchase Agreement 채무인수약정서
CR-A-509 |
B-29 |
- Amendment Agreement to Kun- Mortgage (for released assumption of fixed debt obligation) 근저당권변경계약서(확정채무의 면책적인수용)
CR-A-519 |
B-30 |
- Amendment Agreement to Kun-Mortgage (for purchase of an agreement) 근저당권변경계약서(계약인수용)
CR-A-517 |
B-31 |
- Amendment Agreement to Kun Mortgage (for overlapped assumption of agreement) 근저당권변경계약서(중첩적 계약인수용)
CR-A-518 |
B-32 |
- (Specific Debt Obligation Security) Mortgage Agreement (특정채무담보)저당권설정계약서
CR-A-330 |
B-33 |
- ("Kun" security) Keun Mortgage Agreement (근담보) 근저당권설정계약서
CR-A-511 |
B-34 |
- Superficies Agreement 지상권설정계약서
CR-A-352 |
B-35 |
- ("Keun" security) Additional Keun-Mortgage Agreement (Additional for joint Security property) 추가근저당권설정계약서(공동담보물건추가용)
CR-A-512 |
B-36 |
- ("Kun" security) Amendment Agreement to kun-Morgatge Agreement(for the amendment to the scope of secured debt obligations and the settlement date of kun mortgage) 근저당권설정변경계약서(피담보채무범위변경·근저당권결산기변경용)
CR-A-351 |
B-37 |
- (Specific Debt Obligation Security) Pledge Agreement (특정채무담보)질권설정계약서
CR-A-513 |
B-38 |
- ("Kun" security) Kun-Pledge Agreement (근담보)근질권설정계약서
CR-A-514 |
B-39 |
- (Specific debt Obligation security) Yangdo Dambo Agreement ; [* Letter of the security transfer contract] (특정채무담보)양도담보계약서
CR-A-362 |
B-40 |
- ("Kun"- security) Yangdo Dambo Agreement ; [*Letter of the security transfer contract] (근담보)양도담보계약서
CR-A-515 |
B-41 |
- (Specific Debt obligation security) Claim transfer agreement (특정채무보증)채권양도계약서
CR-A-365 |
B-42 |
- ("Kun" security) Claim transfer agreement (근담보)채권양도계약서
CR-A-516 |
B-43 |
- (Specific Debt Obligation Guaranee) Guarantee (특정채무보증)보증서
CR-A-336 |
B-44 |
- (Kun- Guarantee) Kun-Guarantee (근보증)근보증서
CR-A-510 |
B-45 |
- Special Terms and Conditions on Deferred Payment (B2B Purchase Card Loan) 연지급결제특약(B2B구매카드대출용)
CR-A-584 |
B-46 |
- Supplementary Agreement(Trade Loan) 추가약정서(무역어음대출용)
CR-A-549 |
B-47 |
- Keun lien establishment agreement (for individual movable collaterals) 근담보권설정계약서(개별동산담보용)
CR-A-822 |
B-48 |
- Keun lien establishment agreement (for collective movable collaterals) 근담보권설정계약서(집합동산담보용)
CR-A-823 |
B-49 |
- Keun lien establishment agreement (for receivable collaterals) 근담보권설정계약서(채권담보용)
CR-A-824 |
B-50 |
- Keun lien modification agreement (for changes in scope of secured debt, keun lien settlement time and duration) 근담보권설정변경계약서(피담보채무 범위변경, 근담보권결산기변경, 존속기간변경용)
CR-A-825 |
B-51 |
- Keun lien modification agreement (for exemptive acquisition of confirmed debt) 근담보권변경계약서(확정채무의 면책적 인수용)
CR-A-826 |
B-52 |
- Keun lien modification agreement (for contract acceptance) 근담보권변경계약서(계약인수용)
CR-A-827 |
B-53 |
- Keun lien modification agreement (for duplicate contract acceptance) 근담보권변경계약서(중첩적계약인수용)
CR-A-828 |
B-54 |
- Debt acceptance agreement(for movable collaterals) 채무인수약정서(동산담보용)
CR-A-829 |
B-55 |
- Additional agreement (for AR-backed lending) 추가약정서(매출채권담보대출용)
CR-A-830 |
B-56 |
- Explanatory Document on Corporate Loan 대출상품설명서(기업용)
CR-A-812 |
B-57 |
- 추가약정서 (전자방식 외상매출채권 담보대출 건별 기한연장용)
CR-A-834 |
B-58 |
- 외국환(수출입 등)거래약정서
LC-A-172 |
B-59 |
- 외국환 거래상품설명서
LC-A-703 |
B-60 |
- 수출대금채권매입약정서
LC-A-377 |
B-61 |
- 수출환어음매입기본계약
LC-A-378 |
B-62 |
- 추가약정서(씨티비즈니스 기업카드)
CR-A-894 |
B-63 |
- 대출신청에 관한 팩시밀리 신청 약정서
CR-A-922 |
B-64 |
- 추가약정서(전자방식외상매출채권담보대출-구매기업용)
CR-A-737 |
B-65 |
- 추가약정서(금리변경용)
CR-A-949 |
B-66 |
- 추가약정서(대기업용)
CR-A-950 |
B-67 |
- 추가약정서(중소기업 및 개인 사용자용)
CR-A-951 |
B-68 |
- CD수익률 설명서
CR-A-958 |